Livestream: Laughing All the Way to the Bank (4)/ Dementia: Engaging Activities (2)/Regs: Resident’s Personal Rights (2)/Regs: Infection Control in Residential Care (2)
Laughing All the Way to the Bank: How to Keep Your Workforce Happy (4 CEUs)
This four-hour class will review the literature regarding positive work environments and the importance of laughter and humor. Through lectures, discussion, and activities, participants will develop an appreciation for the science behind laughter and the importance of creating workplaces that encourage employees to enjoy their work. Material will also be discussed about the importance of laughter in dealing with elders and people with disabling conditions, as it affects the types of activities planned and developed for that population.
Approved for: Adult Residential Facility | Residential Care for Elderly | Group Home | STRTP | No BRN
Dementia: Engaging Activities (2 CEUs)
This two-hour course is a new way to look at activities and how to create an activity program that provides meaning and growth for individuals with dementia. Too often, activity programs focus on fixing deficits and are called therapeutic interventions. The focus must be on the interests of the individual to provide meaningful and engaging activities and to provide truly person-centered activities.
Approved for: Adult Residential Facility | Residential Care for Elderly | No Group Home | No BRN
Regulations: Residents’ Personal Rights (2 CEUs)
This course provides participants with the knowledge and ability to understand and apply the daily practice of ensuring Residents’ Rights. This course is based on the client rights under the Lanterman Act passed in 1969 and CDSS Title 22.
Approved for: Adult Residential Facility | Residential Care for Elderly | No Group Home | No BRN
Infection Control in Residential Care (2)
Residents and staff in long-term care facilities are at higher risk of infection than the average population. Infections acquired in healthcare settings account for more than 380,000 deaths annually. Infections add to health care costs, increase hospitalizations, and lead to diminished quality of life for residents. Infection control is one of the primary goals of care in a residential facility. This two-hour course reviews the regulatory requirements for infection prevention and the role of the Infection Control Lead.
Approved for: Adult Residential Facility | Residential Care for Elderly | No Group Home | No BRN