On April 5, 2022, CCLD released PIN-22-13-ASC, announcing the addition of California Title 22 Code of Regulations §81095.5, §82095.5, §85095.5, §87470, and §87895.5. ‘Infection Control Requirements.’ This new legislation requires all licensed facilities to have an Infection Control Plan (LIC 9282) on file.
That’s where we come in! Let us do the heavy lifting. You can now purchase your Infection Control Plan from us!
- Editable pdf form to be submitted to Community Care Licensing detailing all aspects of infection control procedures required by regulation
- Helpful posters for hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, cough etiquette, self-health screening, and more (English and Spanish versions)
*Please note: This product meets the requirement for general infection control procedures. Title 22 Regulations require that a separate plan be filed when a State of Emergency is declared for a specific infectious disease.Â